Jun 092016

logosmallSometime within the last year or so Moby had a difference of opinion with a guy who had a Kickstarter running, and things might have, perhaps gotten just a tad out of hand. This is the short version of that long story. I don’t want to spoil anything, but it has a happy ending.

So long story short, this guy is/runs/publishes (or something) Maelstrom Comics, and he has a Kickstarter running. I thought some of his reward tiers were a bit high and a tad excessive, and he disagrees. Nasty emails are exchanged, but not so many, just a couple or three.

cropped-BG3-1024x683Now, let me just say upfront that I like Maelstrom’s product. It has an extremely professional look and the quality of the work is as good as you could expect from any publisher, just with a lot of tits and ass.

Among Maelstrom’s titles are Prymal the Jungle Warrior and Star Valkyrie, which I came to think of as Jungle Tits and Space Boobies.

I liked the books and the art so much I even bought a page of original Prymal art for my collection.

The point is that what follows is not out of some lack of admiration for the quality of Maelstrom’s stuff or what not…it was petty. So, what happened? Continue reading »

Jun 012016

snl-logoI really do. For what, you ask?


I admit it’s a little harsh, but allow me to explain. We Americans used to have a lot going for us that we have just let go of, and it saddens Moby a bit.

Whatever happened to our sense of humor? We could laugh at ourselves. We had thicker skin. We could take it. And we needed it.

What I’m trying to talk about is the uncomfortable truths, those little white elephants that we need a nudge or excuse to talk about. SNL used to target the offended even more, to really go after those that took themselves so darn seriously. They knew if they got flak for some skit, that only meant they were on target. And it got us to talking, talking about things we might never mention to one another.

Even ‘back in the day’ you couldn’t go up to someone at the water cooler and broach just any subject. SNL gave us that little excuse we needed to ‘finesse’ our way into a conversation about something that we might be curious about, but could not otherwise bring up. Continue reading »

Mar 292015

gnome (nōm) n.

A pithy saying that expresses a general truth or fundamental principle; an aphorism.

Gnome #2:

People generally don’t like movies with birds in them.

(Gnome #2.5: Pterodactyls count as birds. Perhaps penguins.)

gnomeIt’s true. I don’t claim to understand it entirely, but throw a few birds into the plot of a movie and suddenly it’s Q Score goes through the floor. 

Perhaps the most infamous of them all…Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds. A lot of people will tell you that The Birds was a classic and is their favorite movie of all time. They’re lying. Continue reading »

Mar 122015

gnome (nōm) n.

A pithy saying that expresses a general truth or fundamental principle; an aphorism.

Gnome #1:

People will pay a lot of money to see movies with fish in them.

(Gnome #1.5: Whales count as fish. Dolphins too. Perhaps penguins. )

gnomeIt’s true. I don’t claim to understand it entirely, but throw a few fish into a movie and suddenly it’s Q Score goes through the roof. If you stop and think about it, I am sure you can think up dozens of fish movies, all of them great and popular.

Fish movies are practically their own underrated powerhouse of a genre that hits the Box Office totals like a sucker punch below the belt. Continue reading »

Feb 282015

Okay, so not the sexiest of posts, but I’ve been doing a few little things to help make the place more interesting.

First, I’ve added random quotes to the sidebar there, right under recent posts. Mostly Silverwolf related and not too many at the moment, but still a nice addition. I will get around to adding to the pool of quotes as time goes by.

I also started to get tired of the same headers, so I’ve added a bunch more. Just silly stuff mostly, no real theme to them. Mostly Moby just having fun in Photoplus.

Well for now, here are a few of the new headers…I hope you like ’em!

First up are some inspired by Mortdecai:


MobyMorty3 Continue reading »

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