Jan 092016


GrinidonAs soon as I saw the artwork for Grinidon on Kickstarter, I was interested. After reading about half of the description I was already thinking of how far this story could go, in distance and in breadth. There was definitely something about this project that made an immediate impression, and it was not just the fantastic artwork.

Well, it came from the artwork, actually. For every close up of a face there was also the wide, expansive shot showing the mountains or forests… the sample pages told me that the very land in this tale would be like a character unto itself, with it’s own story to tell. Like any good fantasy world, this one seemed to have it’s own flavor, it’s own story.

Of course, Moby could be wrong. So, I figured why not just ask the writer? I approached Grinidon Creator J. Miles Dunn with a few questions about the project and he was very gracious and took the time to answer every question, for which I cannot thank him enough.


Grinidon: A Fantasy Graphic Novel on Kickstarter

Grinidon is an epic saga of kingdoms and factions fighting for control of a newly discovered island, Calaway. You join the story fifty years into this conflict, after its lords and people have successfully won their independence from their homeland – and now wage war against each other.

Lords and families from the old lands have risked everything to come here and find their fortune. Alliances have been formed and broken, guilds and kingdoms have risen and fallen, and heroes have come from the most unlikely of places. Continue reading »

Jan 042016


I am looking to interview the creator of the Kickstarter with this great artwork, J. Miles Dunn and his project Grinidon: A Fantasy Graphic Novel – Vol. 1.

The visuals are stunning enough but I think he’s onto something with the story too. A bit about a new land, and old rivalries. Interested?

Seriously, just take a look at the artwork.



Jan 032016

D6DecafBy now, you might have heard that Alec Peters’ Axanar, the non-Trek Star Trek Fan Film, is being sued by CBS and Paramount. I am still trying to wrap my head around the whole thing, but so far a few things seem to be coming into focus, for me at least.

Disclaimer: This is an opinion piece made by someone looking down from the cheap seats.

This is not a news article.

Look, it’s real simple. The envelope, the line, just kept getting pushed further and further.

At first, it was all out-of-pocket, and the only rule was don’t sell it. Then the caterer had to get paid, and that was OK because people gotta eat. Then someone outside donated to pay for the caterer, but nothing was being sold so no one cared. Then came the crowdfunding, and the big worry was that the production was driving that extra mile to the directors brother’s store to buy lumber, using the production to funnel a bit of the funds to friends or family. But nothing was being sold, so no one cared. 

Then Peters wrote himself a check…

In a nutshell, Axanar’s revised 2015 Annual Report clearly shows Alec Peters drawing a salary of $38,000 for the year, or about 6.5% of the budget. 



That Report was released on December 15, 2015. About a week later the lawsuit was filed. Coincidence?

The issue seems to be hard for a lot of fans to grasp. Surely it must be about the amount of money raised! Or maybe it’s that Paramount is jealous at getting shown up over quality!

No, I am starting to think it’s where that money was going.

The concept of ‘making no money’ has somehow turned into ‘not making a profit’, which is not the same thing. A hat tip to Michael Hinman over at 1701news.com for pointing this out. Seriously, it’s a great opinion piece, way better than mine, you should go read it Continue reading »

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