Jun 092016

logosmallSometime within the last year or so Moby had a difference of opinion with a guy who had a Kickstarter running, and things might have, perhaps gotten just a tad out of hand. This is the short version of that long story. I don’t want to spoil anything, but it has a happy ending.

So long story short, this guy is/runs/publishes (or something) Maelstrom Comics, and he has a Kickstarter running. I thought some of his reward tiers were a bit high and a tad excessive, and he disagrees. Nasty emails are exchanged, but not so many, just a couple or three.

cropped-BG3-1024x683Now, let me just say upfront that I like Maelstrom’s product. It has an extremely professional look and the quality of the work is as good as you could expect from any publisher, just with a lot of tits and ass.

Among Maelstrom’s titles are Prymal the Jungle Warrior and Star Valkyrie, which I came to think of as Jungle Tits and Space Boobies.

I liked the books and the art so much I even bought a page of original Prymal art for my collection.

The point is that what follows is not out of some lack of admiration for the quality of Maelstrom’s stuff or what not…it was petty. So, what happened?

Well, having looked into the company and all, and sometime after the email exchange, Moby got a notice that MaelstromComics.com was available. They let the domain lapse. So, like a little bitch Moby bought the domain and made a parody site called THE GIANT WHIRLPOOL OF SUCK.

Yeah, I know…dick move Moby.

The site now had a few posts basically poking fun at the whole jungle girl with a tiger’s head for a hat thing, and some other assorted elements from the email exchange and the Kickstarter.

And Space Boobies, my personal favorite.

It was meant as a bad joke, and after a while I felt bad. I mean, Maelstrom was going to do more Kickstarters and who is Moby to interfere with good ol’ American capitalism?

So the good news is that after a month or two I contacted the guy again and offered him the site back, and we made good, had a laugh. He probably still wants to kill me or at least kick my ass, or maybe not. He seems like a genuinely nice guy, and I really mean that. When I really got to looking him up online most people had nothing but praise for the dude. I was thankful to end any feuding, especially over a difference of opinion on a Kickstarter. 

So there it is. You can check out Maelstrom’s products at their NEW site, MaelstromMediaComics.com.

The artwork on Prymal is great, and the samples from the upcoming Star Valkyrie look absolutely fantastic. Plus, there’s a Silverwolf connection! Morgan Welborn, the artist who did the unpublished adult Silverwolf title The Last Wild Bitch, did about 6 pages of the Prymal/WarDance issue.

You can visit the archived page for the Giant Whirlpool of Suck by clicking [HERE]

You can also visit the Kickstarter that started all this by clicking [HERE]


  3 Responses to “The Giant Whirlpool of Suck”

  1. That was a hoot, I don’t even know if they are publishing my art, it’s been over a year.

    • Hmm, maybe not. It looks like it was to be a 12 page book included as a stretch goal at the $20K level of the March 2015 Kickstarter. The Kickstart only raised $12,644, so perhaps no War Dance book.

      And one more thought:

      Though I don’t know if I’m right, But I always thought it was his looking at the site during this little feud that led to him seeing your work and hiring you for those pages. But, I could be wrong.

      Weirder things have happened. I’m glad you enjoyed the post.

      Space Boobies!


      • He actually contacted me on Digital Webbing, where he was announcing his kickstarter in mid 2014, I’m not sure when the feud started.

        I’m selling my Prymal pages if you’re interested, $80 each, I trying to fund my own comic “The Bunk Squad”. It’s going to be an erotic horror comic. Still writing it.

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