May 082014

RedLetterMedia became internet famous for this 70 Minute review of 1999’s Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace. Presented by his persona of “Harry S. Plinkett”, we get a spot on (brutal) review of a deeply flawed movie that could have been written by a 3rd grader. Continue reading »

Apr 152013


Okay, what’s wrong with this picture?

So, it seems that Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson has built a reputation as ‘Franchise Viagra‘ for his ability to come on board flagging film franchises and breathe new life into them. And he has stated that he would like in on Star Wars. 

Cinema Blend: Are there other franchises that you look at and think, “I want to give that a shock to the system?” 

Dwayne Johnson: Oh easily. Star Wars.

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Feb 112013

kickstarter-logoOk, by now if you actually follow Moby’s! at all you’ll notice that I plug a couple of things that are using or plan to use Kickstarter campaigns, namely Hollywood Mogul 4 and the upcoming CJ Cherryh’s Foreigner Audio Movie. Kickstarter is a great crowdfunding site to be sure, and many great things have come out of it. Sometimes I like to just browse and see what’s there, what projects look like they are going to make it, which ones are not. It really tells you what kind of stuff people want, ’cause they are putting their money where their mouth is, so to speak. And then it happened. I think I actually face-palmed when I read:

Kickstarter Open Source Death Star


We need to protect ourselves from threats far, far away. So, lets build a death star!

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