Aug 212018

It’s the big day, our first Kickstarter! Kinda a weird feeling, knowing what you don’t know. Will it fund? Will people like it? Aw heck, who knows? In any case it’s great to have finally gotten to this point in the whole process.

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It all started in December of 2016 when I hired Rob Stanley to write and Rick Alves to draw ‘Dr. Fizz’. That book was a crash course in making an independent comic book. We had a couple of speed bumps, including a work stoppage due to my being laid off from work for two months. The time off at home was fun though.

Still, we worked hard and eventually finished ‘Dr, Fizz’. And around that time, Rei and Steve were finishing up pages for this book, Sissonne.

Both books take place in ‘Grand City’, a place that had so much crime that the mayor got a law passed to basically legalize vigilantes. Or, as we call them, superheroes. Some are indeed super, other not so much. Fizz and Sissonne are sort of in the middle type of heroes. They won’t be saving the world anytime soon, but Grand City is safer for them. This city needs them, and more like them.

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