May 272016

hypnotoad2Oklahoma City based Starbase Studios’ Scott Johnson made it very clear today that neither he, nor others affiliated with the studio, are in any way backing Alec Peters and his recently released Fan Film Guidelines.

In a post on the Starbase Studios Facebook page and in a short talk with this site personally, Mr. Johnson has made it very clear that the appearance of fan film unity on the matter is a mere facade, another embellishment by Mr. Peters to advance his ‘negotiating position’.

Mr. Johnson said he was added to the secret Facebook group and he looked through the proposed guidelines, without adding any comments. “Then I went to watch the (NBA) Thunder game on TV and I went to bed. I woke up this morning to a phone call telling me I was some sort of big time producer. One site is reporting that I am the producer of several films and it is being repeated all over the place. I’m not a producer, I’m a volunteer.”

Achieving Unity, The Hard Way

Clearly the guidelines were intended to show a unity among filmmakers, and perhaps unity has been achieved. Not the unity Peters envisioned though. “We are all in agreeance so long as one of us is not in the group.” said Johnson via telephone. “We are now all against Peters. None of us, as far as I am aware, want to be affiliated with the guy. He’s like the black plague. Everything gets blasted out online and no one is happy.”

Starbase Studios and Starship Valiant are not the only ones invited to the guideline discussions to distance themselves from this morning’s news. Fan filmmaker Nick Cook posted to his Facebook page: “I am not in any way involved in these fanfilm rules that are supposedly being drafted. I don’t know any more than the rest of you and do not know why my name is being bandied about.”

We Stand With CBS, Not The Hypnotoad 

This overreach by Peters has several fan films posting comments making it clear that they stand with Paramount/CBS.

Nick Cook wrote: “I have always maintained that CBS/Paramount own Star Trek. We fanfilm producers play in that sandbox by the grace of the studios, and I while I may not always agree with some of their creative decisions, I have always respected their rights in these matters.”

Scott Johnson told Moby’s: “We were all fine following the unofficial guidelines that have been handed down some 12 years ago until Peters came along. Everybody’s been great until now. Now Alec Peters thinks he’s going to speak for us? Sorry buddy, but nope.”


Melbourne’s Response

I’ve been involved with Starbase Studios since December of 2013, and with Starship Valiant as a main cast member early on. When I decided to start my own production with Melbourne I knew that I would have obstacles. But nothing has put any of the productions in jeopardy like this whole business13312668_10157004754430077_2441102665951112438_n of Axanar.

I’ve never gone on record to bash anyone, I’ve nothing against Mr Peters, nor his production. But it seems as if every time there is some calming of the storm, something associated with him kicks the hornets nest. It’s hard to tell what’s the truth because nothing adds up. He does not speak for any of us in Melbourne. I make fan films. I work 72 hours a week and drive 4 hours to the studio to film. When I filmed with Starship Valiant in the sickbay scene, I was up for 36 hours before finally getting to sleep. I did everything out of passion. Not a paycheck.

I may lose fans or friends and I’m fine with that, but what he’s done has made things worse for those of us who just want to make some fun trek for ourselves. I’ve seen the vile talk from both sides of the Axanar side, and honestly that’s not what we should be doing. That’s not how we should be treating each other. We make fan films. We should have no agenda. We should have no hidden motive. We’re should just be living our dream. I speak for myself, and my film. No one speaks for me.

Starship Valiant’s Response

“Yes, I was invited to participate in building guidelines that I felt would help the fan film community overall as a group and although the actual guidelines listed in this article were completed and forged without my input, (as I was sick during the process), I did in fact make a few suggestions as to two of the seven listed. Then I was messaged by a friend this morning and told that our “private” discussion had been made public. Apparently, someone in the group cut & pasted our discussion and shared it with another person that I personally have never heard of, to the bewilderment of myself and my good friend Scott Johnson. Honestly, I feel that the group of people in this “chat” were used and manipulated and I am not and will not be a part of any legal dealings with Paramount/CBS vs. Axanar. To this end, I am publicly stating that Starship Valiant will play by any rules that the powers that be make. I am very thankful that Valiant has been allowed to play in the trek universe. The below article was printed without my consent and I was not asked to be a part of it or to be mentioned in it.”

Starbase Studio’s Response

Starbase Studios and Axanar’s proposed Fan Film Guidelines.

It has been reported in several articles today that Starbase Studios is part of a group put together by Alec Peters of Axanar, to draft a set of fan film guidelines to be submitted to CBS studios as part of the lawsuit settlement. Scott Johnson, one of the studio owners, was contacted and agreed to view the proposed guidelines but never responded or submitted an opinion on them.

The articles published this morning seems to imply that Starbase Studios, and fan productions that film at the studio, have joined Peters and Axanar in their defense against the CBS/Paramount lawsuit. The names of the individuals and groups who have agreed to preview the proposed guidelines was released without consent. It would appear the reason for releasing the names is to create a false appearance of support for Peters and Axanar as a means to strengthen their negotiating position.

Starbase Studios has tried to remain publicly neutral on the Axanar lawsuit. We are now forced to state that we are in full support of CBS and Paramount on this matter and have always been willing to comply with any statements, rulings, guidelines they may issue. We have no doubt that CBS/Paramount are the true copyright owners of the Star Trek franchise and respect their ownership of the property. We are also grateful to CBS/Paramount for allowing us to support the Star Trek franchise in our own way.

In an effort to keep any productions filmed at the studio from overstepping bounds of fan films, we have publicly listed a set of guidelines on our website that we insist the productions follow. These guidelines were issued by a former crew member of New Voyages/Phase 2 and have served well so far but we will adapt to whatever new guidelines CBS/Paramount sees fit to issue.

Another inaccuracy in the article states that the studio produces several fan films. The studio itself produces only one film but invites any other productions to use our sets. These other productions are not under control of the studio and although we insist they follow the set guidelines, we can not be responsible for their releases or anything added after filming at the studio is complete.

Project NCC-1703

Via Facebook : “I am Brian Anglin, the producer of Project NCC-1703, a Fan-film in Pre-production at Starbase Studios. I stand with my brothers At Starbase Studios.”

Note: Moby’s will gladly post any response from any Trek Fan Film should they wish to publicly address this issue. 

You can reach Moby at, or on Facebook.

And as usual, any and all legal threats WILL be posted.

Edit: Starship Melbourne Response added.

  2 Responses to “Fan Film Guideline Fiasco”

  1. Starship Ajax: We consider ourselves to be lucky & blessed that CBS/Paramount allow us to play in their “sandbox”. A dash of common sense is all that is needed to be able to do that without drawing their attention. These projects are hobbies, not businesses, and they must be treated as such in all aspects.

    J.c. England, Producer/Star

  2. I am Joey Bonice, producer of the Lexington Adventures currently in per-production at Starbase Studios. We are 100% with our partners and fellow productions at the studio.

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