Mar 152013

DouchesI decided to write this post here for a simple reason, one you too can easily see by going to this thread. In short, Jargon113 is complaining that a member of Digital Anarchy (DAclan) named mercnet1980 was team-killing for equipment in Battlefield 3, in this instance a tank. Multiple times. On their own server. In case you are not a gamer, let me just say that this is particularly douchey behavior.

The first response is a simple “lol”. The guy is a guest on your server, brings up a perfectly good complaint, and gets laughed at. Then the douche himself, mercnet1980 chimes in with “I play to win, and I can’t win if I let just anyone in a tank…” Wow. They then go on to mock and ban him from the forum, and I am guessing from their servers too. And if you take the time to look around their forum, you will see that team-killing for equipment by these petty admins at DAclan is standard operating procedure. It’s institutionalized doucheyness.

When allwork kills you cause you got into a vehicle before him, thats cheap, when he does it again and again and then says either like it and stay or youll get kicked or banned is just being an ass.” –AGX BLADE

There you go, you took his asset! You got killed for it…We have priority in any assets if we want them. It’s how we roll! Your not the first to be butt-hurt, won’t be the last!” – Hawkinlugies (DAclan member)

And the same someone going by the nick ‘allwork’ edited Jargon113’s second post, so we now know they can dish it but not take it.

There are A LOT of posts just like this on the DAclan forum, and that is why this post exists here. I too had a problem with an admin and was going to take the time to register and let them know that their ‘no stupid rules’ server has a stupid rule or two.  But when I read the posts already there and the disrespectful way they handle their business…I could see that they would not care, and I would be ridiculed and insulted or some such. They seem to take pride in having a server full of ‘pubbers’, then on the other hand treat them like crap and even use the term ‘pubber’ as an insult.

So here’s my two cents for Digital Anarchy:

1) It’s funny when you criticize pubbers for having a ‘sense of entitlement’, then post very plainly for all to see that just because you are are a member of the host clan that you are entitled to act like a douche. You are a bunch of hippocrits.

2) No one on your forum ever seems to deny the claims against your clan, you simply have a ‘that’s how we roll’ attitude about it all. You don’t even defend yourselves. See point #1

Disgusting administration huh? Can’t really argue with you there. However, they pay the bills, so they do what they want. We have awesome servers with prick admins, that’s kind of our thing. People should know this by now.” – Gooch (DAclan ‘Godfather’)

Oh, and seeing how ‘pubbers’ are all guests on your servers and your forums, you guys really should keep all the homophobic garbage and childishness in a members only area. Here’s another post by a guest that tells a similar story. And try this one, again notice they don’t deny any of it. Where are the females of your clan, gentlemen? Why did the posts calling you guys out for your teamkilling and such start to disappear since last September?

And this is classic, ‘allwork’ posts a guys email and IP address. Wow, now that is not playing fair. All he did was point out that Digital Anarchy SELLS the right to admin on their servers for $15 a month. Yup, they are sell outs. Which brings me to another point:

3) Again, it is funny (ironic funny, not haha funny) that you call your guests ‘childish’ but have to sell admin rights. What, you bunch o’ grown ups don’t have any disposable income? Aren’t you adult enough to pay for your own servers, without having to put the hat out to ‘Random Stranger’ and then hand them a ban-hammer??

An inside source leaked this Digital Anarchy recruiting video to me (no, not really). Let’s watch:


Feel free to write Moby with your Digital Anarchy Gaming Clan stories and I will post them, maybe make a whole new category or page for them. And if your gonna comment in support of Digital Anarchy, I might just treat you the same way your $15 admins treat your guests.

I actually think this video was made with Digital Anarchy in mind. I truly believe it, I totally get a feeling of deja vu:


More on DAclan Here. And it seems I’m not the first to post to his blog about DAclan (not surprised really). Check out this PSA over at Frags and Beer.

Update!: It just keeps getting better. Ex $15 Admin MintyMadness turns stool-pigeon:

– Digital-anarchy does in fact –

– have active hackers in their clan. -“

Another Update! Another ex-DAclan admin accuses Digital Anarchy of harboring hackers!!

– Ok fine dude…-

– I refuse to support hackers especially in our own server. That clear enough for you? -“

Hades, good for you, man. I seemed to me from looking through what’s left of the forum that you were one of those with a little integrity.

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