Jul 212016

13607790_10157202348845602_2060425145_nI do a fair number of posts promoting Kickstarters that catch my eye. Usually it’s about looking for value and quality among the many offerings. I can easily say the artwork for Grinidon caught my eye. It turned my head. It was magnificent. Get the picture?

I had no idea if it was digital or hand-done, and frankly for the first time in forever I did not care, it was…magnificent. And, I was lucky because the Kickstarter was a value too. I bought two copies.

I reached out to artist Erwin J. Arroza for an interview, and thankfully he was most gracious in accepting the invitation. Erwin shared a great amount of his work on various projects, with permission from the various owners. You can click on any image to view a larger version. 

I cannot thank Mr. Arroza enough for this interview. The honor, sir, is entirely my own.

Moby’s! – You’ve been working on this book for a while, how does it feel to have finished the artwork for it?

13595872_10157202348675602_1184361718_nErwin – Finishing Grinidon is somewhat a bitter sweet experience. I just wrapped up all the artwork last week and I’m already missing the late nights and the early morning work. Grinidon has been such a positive experience for me as an artist who has been striving to break through the industry. Jeremy has been an inspiration and a huge blessing. It has been a privilege being part of such a wonderful vision.

The artwork for Grinidon is stunning. Is this your usual style and how did you develop it?

I’m still new at this. I still think that I’m in the process of finding that right kind of ‘style’. However, there is something organic about rough pencils and grey tints that goes together with the sepia look. Grinidon is raw and I personally believe it’s one of its strong points….I thought the look should complement it.

13607730_10157202348650602_1804243553_nThe look certainly does go well with the genre. Will you continue to develop this style on more projects in the future?

I guess it just depends on the project or genre.

How challenging is creating the look for the book you are working on?

I think one of the best and most challenging parts of production, developing the whole look for the book. At this point I’m still very much flexible in terms of style. I have only started doing comic book illustrations fulltime recently. Most of the other projects are either been shelved or have not been released yet. Continue reading »

Jun 072016


Pathways 404Dragon Phoenix Media’s Bill Lutz sent over a little present for Moby’s readers the other day, along with some great news:

Pencils and inks for Pathways issues 3 and 4 are done!

I have to admit I am a bit biased in favor of this series, the Zero issue of Pathways was Moby’s ‘Free Comic Book Day Digital Pick’ for 2015 (and is still available for free).

Like issues 1 and 2, these two books each have three stories or segments. This unconventional approach works well with the variety of stories being told, allowing us to meet more than just a few characters. I asked Bill if the three story per issue format was going last throughout the Pathways series, and he said that would NOT be the case.

There will be three segment format, but also a special issue spotlighting the villains like World Smasher, and a series finale that will lead directly into Frontiersmen. Things will start changing sometime after issue 5.” – Pathways Writer/Artist Bill Lutz

Pathways 402

Raw line art for Pathways Pin-Up by Bill Lutz

Continue reading »

Apr 262016

Update!: A $15 tier (Limited to the first 25 sets) that includes the physical and digital copies, including shipping has been added to this Kickstarter. Much better deal.

If you feel like paying donating about a buck twenty a page (including shipping within the USA) for a Kickstarter comic book, check out ‘Midnight Persons’.


A comic about a group of individuals who decide to become more than human to help mankind ascend a world depleted of it’s resources.”

20 pages, $25. Includes shipping within the USA, but


FOR $25.


For $25, they don’t even throw in the digital copy for you to enjoy while waiting for the book to arrive at your doorstep. That is the $30 tier, or you can go digital alone for a mere $10. 

Best of luck guys.


Apr 232016

BIALogo2I wrote about Boxes in Action a while back, but once again they have outdone themselves. I’ve been very happy to recommend them to anyone; their boxes are much nicer than plain old white comic boxes and are perfect for any geeks collection of…well, anything really. They are perfect for more than just comics.

Well, I felt I needed to write about them once more after learning of their newest licensing deal…Officially Licensed Jay and Silent Bob comic book boxes! I know, sweet, eh?


They cost a bit, but includes very careful shipping to prevent damage to the product in route (see my previous review [HERE] for more info) and there are a few different designs for sale or pre-order.

The quality of the boxes and the customer service  is top-notch, I cannot recommend these boxes enough either for yourself or as a gift. Here’s a video from YouTube that shows the quality.

You can order them direct from Boxes in Action via their Store on Facebook.



Jan 092016


GrinidonAs soon as I saw the artwork for Grinidon on Kickstarter, I was interested. After reading about half of the description I was already thinking of how far this story could go, in distance and in breadth. There was definitely something about this project that made an immediate impression, and it was not just the fantastic artwork.

Well, it came from the artwork, actually. For every close up of a face there was also the wide, expansive shot showing the mountains or forests… the sample pages told me that the very land in this tale would be like a character unto itself, with it’s own story to tell. Like any good fantasy world, this one seemed to have it’s own flavor, it’s own story.

Of course, Moby could be wrong. So, I figured why not just ask the writer? I approached Grinidon Creator J. Miles Dunn with a few questions about the project and he was very gracious and took the time to answer every question, for which I cannot thank him enough.


Grinidon: A Fantasy Graphic Novel on Kickstarter

Grinidon is an epic saga of kingdoms and factions fighting for control of a newly discovered island, Calaway. You join the story fifty years into this conflict, after its lords and people have successfully won their independence from their homeland – and now wage war against each other.

Lords and families from the old lands have risked everything to come here and find their fortune. Alliances have been formed and broken, guilds and kingdoms have risen and fallen, and heroes have come from the most unlikely of places. Continue reading »

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