Mar 122013

ReplayPostHave you ever read a book and wished they would make it into a movie? Of course; we’ve all had that moment, and I can think of a lot of books I’d like to see personally.

Most of the books I’d love to see made into movies are sci-fi and will likely never see the light of day. Hollywood simply has no stomach for taking risks when their whole business model is predicated on blockbusters that need to open to tens of millions of dollars and make their budget back in a few weeks. You see it today with all the remakes and reboots.

Replay, however, has had a screenplay floating around for a couple decades and has even had Ben Affleck attached at one point, so it seems like a good candidate to get made someday. The players on HSX seem to agree, they are holding this long by a 3:1 margin. Continue reading »

Mar 072013


This one is just too good to not write something about. It is a project aimed at getting children interested in classical music, and it stars Brian Blessed, the Hawkman Prince Vultan in Flash Gordon (1980). They are looking to make a graphic novel to accompany the audio program they already have on CD, so kids can follow along and to help spark their imagination. The whole thing is set to the classical music composition Scheherazade by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. Continue reading »

Feb 202013


When Moby was younger, he used to read a lot of sci-fi and fantasy paperbacks, a habit picked up from mom. She claimed she could read several books a day, but 2 in one week was good for me. But of course when I started working full time and could not sit around reading all the time, I made the switch to audiobooks. They can be expensive, but they are such a very good way to whittle away time while your driving or stuck in traffic.

And luckily, Audible has been doing a great job the last year or two in adding some great stuff. ‘Catalog’ type stuff from 20 years ago, sort of classics from authors like Joel Rosenburg, CJ Cherryh, Elizabeth Moon, Dave Duncan…the list just goes on. I will likely add more about Audible and the great titles they are adding every week in another post.

So anyways, it was weird when I actually bought and read a book last month, and then finished that book and bought another. Now there are about five books in line so to speak. I went with some old favorites, some new ones, and some titles from favorite authors that I never got around to. The first two I read were a couple of CJ Cherryh’s earliest novels, two that are not available on audio, Hestia and Wave Without a Shore. Continue reading »

Apr 172012

John Carter of Mars : Return to Barsoom

Fans of  ‘John Carter’ should check out this free ebook by artist Scott Dutton (via his website

It has a load of  great reviews, and due to copyright and all it is FREE in epub and mobi formats. Moby’s is not getting paid for this, and in fact is doing this promo without asking Scott because Moby is a fan of his artwork. (edit: OK, he knows now. Hi Scott!)

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