Mar 122015

gnome (nōm) n.

A pithy saying that expresses a general truth or fundamental principle; an aphorism.

Gnome #1:

People will pay a lot of money to see movies with fish in them.

(Gnome #1.5: Whales count as fish. Dolphins too. Perhaps penguins. )

gnomeIt’s true. I don’t claim to understand it entirely, but throw a few fish into a movie and suddenly it’s Q Score goes through the roof. If you stop and think about it, I am sure you can think up dozens of fish movies, all of them great and popular.

Fish movies are practically their own underrated powerhouse of a genre that hits the Box Office totals like a sucker punch below the belt. Continue reading »

Mar 102015

quill2Recently, Kris Silver returned to the internet with Although the site is basically a beefed up version of his former shop and is still being developed, there’s already quite a few rare, behind-the-scenes artifacts from Silverwolf and Greater Mercury’s short publishing span available for the first time.

For the first time many one of a kind or very rare items are being offered for the public. Things like original comic book scripts, artwork, company newsletters, layout and publishing negatives have been slowly being added to the site. And of course there are copious amounts of back issues from both companies (in near mint condition no less) to fill any holes in your collection. It’s worth noting that there is a flat $3 shipping for all orders, which Moby likes. Continue reading »

Mar 082015

Pre-orders have already started over at!

Jessica Riddle’s new album to be released on April 3, 2015!

The new album is titled I Like Mine and contains 12 tracks.

Jessica entered the spotlight years ago with the single ‘Even Angels Fall’ from her first album, Key of a Minor. Her follow up album, Chapter 2 was quite a bit angrier and darker. The great news for fans like myself is that this one seems to be a lot happier and plenty of the samples have good upbeat rhythms.

Below are the cover for the album, and the track listing.


Again, you can pre-order the album (MP3 Download version) for only $8.99 right now at Amazon.

Also available on iTunes.

You can follow Jessica via Facebook at

If your in Austin, TX on April 3rd, why not stop by Antone’s Record Shop on Sunday, April 5 at 3:00pm for the release party?

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