Jun 222013

VictimMedIn the early months 1987 Silverwolf Comics kicked itself into high gear, publishing 13 new titles. One of the most unique of these new heroes was Victim.

Always finding himself in dangerous situations, Victim (Casey Lockley) realizes he has the ‘power’ to be where bad things are most likely to occur and decides to use this power for good, to ‘right some of the wrongs in the world’.

But would this power of coincidence be enough to keep Casey one step ahead of the bad guys, being at the right place and prepared…or would his ‘power’ lead him to more trouble than he could handle? We were given two issues to find out (#1 Feb. ’87, 8000 print run; #2 March ’87, 5000 print run) before Silverwolf folded. 

In my ongoing search into the history and story behind Silverwolf and Greater Mercury Comics, I contacted Paul Schulze, the artist for Victim. I can’t say enough about how generous Paul was, he happily answered all the questions and even threw in a brand new drawing of ‘Vic’ to boot! That’s it right there to the right.

…Glad to help out!…Hadn’t drawn Vic in years!  Kind of a kick to take a shot at him, again.  This is more indicative of my cartoony style, which I do more of these days.

In my humble opinion, I think the costume looks A LOT better in this form. So what do you think?

Many thanks to Paul for knocking out a new original, and for the following interview. I am very happy to have been able to contact Mr. Schulze, he’s easily one of the nicest persons I’ve interviewed so far. Continue reading »

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