Feb 252013

Key of a minorThis is another one Moby found a while back, one of many great finds that I probably would never have made if not for the internet. I was again searching against the 10,000 Maniacs’ song ‘Gun Shy’ (off of their In My Tribe album) on Pandora when ‘For Wowser’ started playing…and I knew within the first few bars we had a winner. 

lKey of A Minor was released on Hollywood Records on April 18, 2000, and in my opinion is a really good pop album. It contains the single ‘Even Angels Fall’, from the soundtrack to the film ‘10 Things I Hate About You‘, and it helped Jessica gain some popularity for a time. She even had spreads in Maxim and FHM, which one is sure caught a few eyes at the time.

Though she was only 19 years old when the album was recorded and released, it has been noted in many reviews online that the topics in her songs and her delivery of them are well beyond what you would expect from ‘a minor’. Continue reading »

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