Feb 272015


Like most fans of science fiction the last few decades, I was a fan of Leonard’s Mr. Spock. He had many other roles, he was a character actor after all, but to millions or perhaps billions he was and will always be our friend Mr. Spock.

By all accounts he was one the friendly ones, the good ones. I like that he seems to have respected the fans as well. He could have taken his bow years ago but instead continued to do the little things, like lending his iconic voice to various projects or reprising the role of Spock in the reboot of the film franchise. You know, little things like that.

I bet he never thought back in the late 1960’s that Star Trek would be there for the rest of his life…but it is fitting. He gave and the fans have always given back. Just look at the outpouring of remembrances and above all the respect from all around the world.

Rest in Peace, you will be missed.


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