Feb 192015

Shamelessly re-blogged from the comments section of IMDB for the movie The Hunted (1995), posted by ksjazzguitar on Sat Jun 26 2010.

1. Ninja leaders and high priced call girls have really bad Japanese accents (which I’m sure has nothing to do with the fact that they are played by Chinese actors.)

2. If I kill Kinjo, I become his heir.

3. When fighting your ninja master for control of the clan, just raise your sword as high as you can and charge him – I’m sure he won’t think to step aside and slice you across the belly. After that fails, try it again – I’m sure he won’t slice you across the belly a second time.

4. Paul REALLY doesn’t like pachinko.

5. Little Japanese girls will happily get in a cab with a strange gaijin, as long as he’s nervous and bleeding from the neck (that’s how you know they are safe.)

6. A taxi driver in a major city doesn’t understand the word “train”, even though it has cognates in several European languages. It probably never gets mentioned in his line of work.

7. Takeda is impressed. No one has ever escaped the Makato, Racine has done it twice.

8. If you see half a dozen young men getting on a train with golf bags, they are probably ninja.

9. When ninja attack a train, they always color coordinate with the drapes. It’s just part of ninja etiquette.”

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