Dec 242014

Hard to believe another year has gone by.

Moby has not been blogging much this year. Sure there was that short spurt a few months back about that thing. That was great. But mostly, this has been a quiet year. I blame Facebook.

If you read this blog, you know I like the zombiefication of media about as much as Eric Cartman likes hippies, dude. And nothing creates more zombies online than Facebook. But I resolve next year will be more. Not better, but more.

I mean, what’s the use of having a blog, a platform, if you don’t use it…to post meaningless and uninteresting opinions about stuff? And things, or something. So that is what I see for Moby’s next year. I plan to write more about comics, games, TV, etc. Until I get bored of it, of course. Or something.

Anyways, I did plan to recommend a last minute gift idea this year, like I did last year. Oh, that was such a great post. It was interestingly formatted, funny…it was a good post. But it was also from 2013, so it makes sense. If that same post was from 2014 it would have sucked, I know, right? But I just cannot get inspired enought to suggest anything this year.  Continue reading »

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