Dec 292014

Moby is a big fan of Mike Rowe, the former host of TV’s Dirty Jobs. To say he is down to earth and has a great head on his shoulders is an understatement. The man should be elected to office, but we don’t deserve him. 

He has a foundation, mikeroweWORKS, that gives full scholarships to youths willing to work hard and learn a trade. There are literally millions of jobs in this country, the USA, that are high paying but go unfulfilled due to a lack of trained, qualified professionals. And Mike is trying to help America and young people by providing training, all expenses paid. A great American.

So, he has a bit of a following…and of course the inevitable bobblehead figurine. Yup. A bobblehead (Made in America, of course).

So, this post is a reblog of the call he made home to his folks (a partial reblog from his site, about this bobblehead and how big a hit it was with his supporters:

Year End Bobblehead Frenzy

I just got off the phone with my Dad. He asked me what was new, and I told him someone just bought the very first Mike Rowe Bobblehead.

“What’s a Bobblehead?” he asked.

“It’s a little statue,” I explained, “with an oversized head that bobs and wiggles around on a spring. They’re collectible.”

“What’s the point,” he said? “I mean, what do they do, just stand there and shake?”

“Pretty much,” I said. “Although mine talks when you press a button.”

“Really? What’s it say?” My father is suspicious of talking objects.

“Different things,” I said. “You know, stuff I’ve said over the years on TV.” I could hear him trying to make sense of the concept. A talking doll with a giant head on a spring that resembled his firstborn and bobbled up and down.

“How much do you sell them for?” This was the question I was waiting for.
“We auction them on Ebay. The first one just went for “8,301.00.”

“What!? Holy Crap! What are the made of, gold?”

“The good ones are made out of a resin polymer blend, right here in the USA. They’re miniature works of Pop Art.”

“I don’t care if they’re made on the Moon by Picasso! Who the hell pays eight grand for your giant head??”

“The bidder chose to remain anonymous,” I said.

“Well I guess so,” he said. “Word gets around you pay that kind of money for a talking Hummel and people will start to look at you funny.” At this point my mother chimed in. I had no idea she was on the other line because they don’t say hello anymore. They just start talking. “It’s for his foundation, John. He’s selling his Bobblinghead to raise money for more scholarships.”

“Oh. Well, it still sounds crazy expensive.”

“It’s tax-deductible, John. It’s a fun way to give people a chance to help a nice cause. His fans appreciate it.” Three thousand miles away, I could hear my father frowning.

“Well then, he should at least put his dog on there,” he said. “People like that dog more than they like him.”

“He did, John. Freddy is sitting next to him and Michael is holding a bag of his poop. It’s adorable!”

“What? You can’t be serious, Peg. He’s selling a bag of poop?”

“No John, he’s selling a Bobblinghead. He’s just holding the bag of poop. Maybe I’ll get you one for Christmas?”

“How much will that cost us? Good grief, wouldn’t it be cheaper just to fly him back in person for an actual visit?”


Man, I wish this guy would run for president.

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