Feb 032013

AjaxThanks again to Michael L. King for his continued series of Starship Ajax: A Work in Progress videos. Today we have part 7 of the series, and it comes with a great little treat, a rough edit of some test footage.

First the videos, then some notes and links.

Starship Ajax: A Work in Progress #7:

And here is just the rough edit:

This quick edit was put together to give the director Jim Bray and executive producer John Hughes an idea of camera angles, the visual look of the film and the basic flow of the scene-what works and does not.”

Great job! The addition of the sound effects was a nice touch. That is Michael himself coming out of the lift with Captain Boone, Played by J.C. England. You might notice that the video is shot in 4:3 aspect ratio, this is because Ajax is trying to be true to the original 60’s series and of course TV’s were not in widescreen at that time.

Here are some more photos of the set, which is still a work in progress. Click on them to see a slightly larger version:




You can see all of Michael’s Videos ‘here’

And visit Starhip Ajax or their Facebook page.

The forum thread at the TrekBBS is here.

You can email Starship Ajax here.

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